John Nicoletti PhDDoctorate in Counseling Psychology ABPPBoard Certification in Police and Public Safety
Partner and Co-Founder
Police & Public Safety Psychologist
Specializing in
- Providing psychological services to law enforcement, fire departments, and other first responders
- Violence prevention training and assessments and trauma recovery
As the brother of a Denver Police Captain, Dr. Nicoletti saw a need to counter targeted violence, and help with trauma recovery for first responders.
- Ph.D. in Psychology, Colorado State University, 1972
Doctoral Dissertation: The use of anxiety management training in treatment of generalized and specific anxiety - M.S. in Psychology, Colorado State University, 1971
- B.S. in Psychology, Colorado State University, 1968
- V.A. Hospital, Denver, CO, June 1971 – June 1972
- Colorado Board of Psychologist Examiners, January 1975, #389
- American Board of Professional Psychology – Police & Public Safety Psychology, October 2011, #6970
- Appointed to the Governor’s Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Taskforce June 2014
- Safe 2 Tell Board, 2014 – 17
- Selected by Harvard Medical School as a Primary Review Team Member for a project involving the Evaluation of Occupational Health Systems for Promoting Workforce Mental Health within Rio Tinto Iron Ore Western Australia Pilbara Operations and Expansion Projects November 2012 – May 2014
- Chair, International Association of Chiefs of Police Taskforce to Develop a Model Policy for Responding to a Traumatic Event, April 2014 – present
- Appointed to the Department of Justice’s and NAMI Taskforce dealing with Officer Mental Health and Mass Casualty Events, December 2014 – present
- National Institute of Justice Forum on the development of integrity and ethics Washington, D.C., December 1996
- National Institute of Justice Peer Reviewer, July 1996, July 1997, June 1998
- McMurdo Bay and South Pole Station, Antarctica, November 1995 to present. On-site training of personnel in disaster and trauma planning/Psychological screenings
- Governor’s Commission on Columbine Shooting Invited Testimony 2000/2001
- Governor’s Expert Emergency Epidemic Response Committee 2001 to present
- Sandia National Labs, part of task force designed to detect and prevent theft of significant nuclear material, 2001
- Colorado Attorney General’s Office, consulting, and training, 2001 to present
- State of Colorado Committee to Develop Best Practices for School Violence
- International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), Chair of Police
- Psychological Services Section, 2004 – 2006, Vice-Chair 2002 -2004, Membership Chair 2000 – 2002, Program Chair 1998 – 2000
- Invited Participant on the National Association of Attorneys General (“NAAG”)
Task Force on School Safety, June 2007 - Member of the IACP Virginia Tech Review Committee, 2008
- Asked to review Arapahoe High School shooting as part of mediation request generated by Colorado legislature, January 2016
- Invited Participant at the US Department of Energy Insider Threat Working Group Mission Orientation, July 11-12, 2017, Washington, D.C.
- Invited Participant at the Homeland Security Active Threat Working Group Summit in Denver, CO, September 2017
- Invited Participant at the National Officer Safety and Wellness Group Meeting In Washington, D.C., October 12, 2017
- Invited Participant on the Bureau of Justices Assistance’s VALOR officer Safety and wellness initiative, February 2018
- Invited Participant at an International Conference hosted by NATO and Harvard on “Evaluation Support for Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) at the Local Level”, Castelbrando, Venice, Italy, June 3 -6, 2019
- Provided Leadership Training to Fire Department Command Staff at Y12 and Pantex, July 2019
- Invited Participant at the National Security Agency (NSA) security conference on September 26, 2019 in Washington DC, providing of psychological support services to First Responder and Emergency
Operations Center regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic, March 2020 through present - Invited Participant at the National Counterterrorism Center on Terrorism
- Prevention Practitioner Conference in Washington DC, March 5-6, 2020
- Selected by the International Association of Chiefs of Police to provide response and coordination for law enforcement agencies regarding psychological responding and coordination as a member of the Mass Violence Advisory Initiative, December 2021- Present
Dr. Nicoletti formed NFA in 1975 with his wife and co-partner Lottie Flater. This involves running the business, marketing, PR, and contacts with our clients.
His favorite services involve consultation, trauma intervention, conducting threat assessments, providing training in the areas of threat assessment and trauma recovery. Additional services provided involve consulting and providing counseling to the Antarctica Program. This is a service that has been provided for over 28 years.
When Dr. Nicoletti isn’t working with first responders and the community he enjoys time with his family, traveling and playing high stakes poker.
- Threat Assessment and Threat Management
- Mass Casualty Response and Recovery
- De-Escalation
- Pre-Retirement Preparation
- Coping with and Surviving Undercover Assignments
- Supervising Employees of the New Millennium