Evan Axelrod PsyDDoctorate of Psychology ABPPBoard Certification in Police and Public Safety Psychology BCETSBoard Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress HSPHealth Services Psychologist
Police & Public Safety/Clinical Psychologist
Specializing in
- Preemployment evaluations
- Psychological fitness for duty evaluations
- Threat assessment
- Counseling, training, trauma, stress management, anger management, peer support, wellness, critical incident response, and consultation
Dr. Axelrod is an expert in psychological assessment, trauma, cultural competence, and has vast experience working in the field.
- Doctor of Psychology, University of Denver
- Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress, Diplomate
- Credentialed Health Services Psychologist
- Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology, PSYPACT
- Certificate of Professional Qualification, ASPPB
- Certified in Acute Traumatic Stress Management
- Certificate of Expertise with Micro Expression Training Tool-2 (METT 2)
Teaching Experience
- University of Denver, Position: Adjunct Professor, January 2003 – Present
Trauma/Crisis Intervention
- King Soopers Shooting, Boulder, Colorado, March 2021
- Aurora Theater Shooting, Aurora, Colorado, July 20, 2012
- Platte Canyon High School Shooting, Bailey, Colorado, September 2006
- 9/11/2001, Trauma intervention for victim support services
- Globus Bus Accident, Tonopah, Nevada, September 2000
Specialized Appointments
- IACP PPSS Immediate Past Chair/Section Advisor, 2020-2021
- IACP representative on the International Roundtable for Mental Health Professionals supporting First Responders during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Civil Unrest, 2020-2021
- IACP PPSS Chair, 2019-2020
- IACP PPSS Vice-Chair, 2018-2019
- IACP PPSS Membership Chair, 2017-2018
- IACP PPSS Education Chair, 2016-2017
- Police and Public Safety Psychologist representative at the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services/Police Executive Research Forum meeting for the President’s Task Force on Hiring the 21st Century Law Enforcement Officer, September 2016.
- Co-Vice-Chair of the IACP Preemployment Psychological Evaluation Guidelines Revision Committee; Legal Section 2014-2015
- IACP PPSS Awards Committee, 2008 – 2010 and 2014 – 2015
- IACP PPSS Education/Programs Committee, 2010 – 2014
- Co-Chair: Programs Committee for the City of Denver’s Manager of Safety’s Police Discipline Review Committee, December 2004 – July 2008
- Axelrod, E. M. (2016). Employee Assistance Programs: Counseling and Psychological Services for Law Enforcement Officers. In C. L. Mitchell & E. H. Dorian (Eds.), Police Psychology and Its Growing Impact on Modern Law Enforcement (199-219). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Axelrod, E. M. (2014). Zombies, Divorce, and the Internet: A Collection of Psychological Disquisitions. Denver, CO: APSG, Inc.
- Axelrod, E. M. (2013). A Day in the Life of a Public Safety Psychologist. IACP Police Psychological Services Section Newsletter, 10 (3), 11
- Axelrod, E. M. (2013). Emptying the Bucket: Understanding & Managing Change, Stress, & Trauma. Denver, CO: APSG, Inc.
- Gupton, H.M., Axelrod, E. M., Cornell, L., Curran, S. F., Hood, C. J., Kelly, J., & Moss, J. (2013). Support and Sustain: Psychological Intervention for Law Enforcement Personnel. In Territo, L. & Sewell, J. D. (Eds.), Stress Management in Law Enforcement, Third Edition (657-672).
- Axelrod, E. M. (2009). Violence Goes to the Internet: Avoiding the Snare of the Net. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, LTD.
- Axelrod, E. M. & Nicoletti, J. (2004). Outcome vs. Process Thinking in Law Enforcement. Fraternal Order of Police Magazine.
- Axelrod, E. M. (Contributor) in Nicoletti, J. & Spencer-Thomas, S. (2002). Violence Goes to School: Lessons Learned. Bloomington, Indiana: National Educational Service.
- Axelrod, E. M., Franklin, F., & Wood, L. F. (1997). The Adjustment of College Students: Divorce Transitions and Family Conflict. Presented at the Western Psychological Association convention, Seattle, WA., and the University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA
Dr. Axelrod started in June 2000 with Nicoletti-Flater Associates. He administers preemployment evaluations, psychological fitness for duty evaluations, threat assessment, counseling, training, consultation, critical incident response, supervision, and peer support.
In his clinical practice Dr. Axelrod provides assessment, teaching, training, and critical incident response, including individual, child and adolescent, couple, family, and group therapy, as well as victim/trauma assistance, anger management, and consultation with law enforcement, school, public safety, and corporate organizations.
Assessments include threat and violence, preemployment screenings, S.W.A.T. and hostage negotiation team screenings, and Psychological Fitness for Duty evaluations, as well as supervision of clinical staff/interns, supervision of peer support teams, and responding to critical incidents.
- Anger Management
- Conflict Resolution
- Detection and Mitigation of Trauma
- Contamination
- Developing Process Oriented Thinking
Family Wellness - Learning in High Stress Environments
- Management Training
- Officer Involved Shooting Response & Survival
- Peer Support
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Preemployment Screening and Psychological Fitness for Duty
- Psychological Preparation for Thriving and Surviving in Retirement
- Public Safety Family Survival Tactics
- Relationship Survival
- Stress and Wellness training
- Suicide Identification, Prevention, & Intervention
- Understanding Mental Health and Special Populations
- Verbal Communication/De-escalation
- Violence/Threat Assessment